
Film: The mist

 Poster of the movie: "The Mist"

In this post I will talk about a horror movie, related to the fog, the movie is called "The mist" and the story of film are writed by Stephen King. 
Sinopsis of film:
In Following a violent thunderstorm, David Drayton leaves his wife Stephanie at home while he ventures into town with his eight-year-old son Billy and their neighbor, Brent Norton, to buy supplies for repairs. Arriving at a grocery store, they and the other patrons notice unusual police and military activity. Three soldiers enter the store and an MP warns them to depart. Moments later, a panicked and injured man, Dan Miller, runs into the store screaming that there's "something in the mist!". Soon after, a thick mist envelops the store, accompanied by earthquake-like tremors, setting off the town's fire siren.
A deeply pious woman, Mrs. Carmody, believes that this is the beginning of Armageddon. A shaken woman (Melissa McBride), against objections from the others, leaves the store to go home to her children. While investigating the store's generator, bag-boy Norm volunteers to go outside, but is attacked by the tentacles of an unseen monster and dragged into the mist. At first, everyone is skeptical of the tale, but store manager Bud Brown and a local biker are convinced when they see a severed tentacle in the generator room. Realizing the store front is plate glass, the people trapped in the store block the windows with dog food bags, tape and freezers.
Refusing to listen to David, Norton heads outside with a small group to seek help, with the biker following suit with rope tied around his waist. However, Norton's group are attacked and presumably killed by an unseen creature and the survivors are only able to pull back the severed lower half of the biker. That night, enormous flying insects with scorpion-like tails tipped with venomous stingers land on and attach themselves to the windows. Moments later, pterodactyl-like animals preying on said insects ram their beaks into the glass, eventually breaking through the windows and allowing the creatures to enter the supermarket. They begin to attack the terrified people inside and kill Sally, a cashier, and another man, Tom, while one man, Joe, is severely burned and later dies. One of the insects lands on Mrs. Carmody, but doesn't sting her because she keeps still during her prayer. As a result, she starts preaching even more and quickly gains followers among the distraught survivors.
In order to retrieve medical supplies and look for more survivors, David, Dan, Private Jessup, Joe's brother Bobby, elderly-yet-tough schoolteacher Irene, mechanic Jim, assistant manager Ollie Weeks and patron Mike Hatlen. venture out to the neighboring pharmacy, which unbeknownst to them has been transformed into a nest of spider-like creatures that shoot corrosive webbing and have massacred the pharmacy patrons. Among the mass of bodies is the MP, who quickly dies when he falls from his webs and spiders burst out of his back. The group is attacked and Mike and Bobby are killed by the spiders, forcing them to retreat. Following this, most of the people side with Mrs. Carmody. That night, two of the soldiers, Donaldson and Morales, commit suicide shortly afterwards, and, after some pressing from David, Jessup reveals that the local military base was filled with rumors about the Arrowhead Project, the government's attempt to look into other dimensions, and that the scientists responsible for the experiment may have inadvertently opened a doorway into a dimension containing the creatures that are now invading the town. An angry mob then ensues, led by Mrs. Carmody, who orders her followers to blame him. As a result, he is stabbed and ejected from the store as a human sacrifice, quickly falling prey to a large praying mantis-like creature.
The following morning, David and his group, consisting of Billy, schoolteacher Amanda, Ollie, Irene, Dan, patron Ambrose, mechanic Myron, and Bud, secretly gather supplies to flee, but Mrs. Carmody stops them, having now turned the entire store against them. After stealing the supplies, she demands that Billy and Amanda be the next sacrifice, only for Ollie to shoot and kill her with Amanda's gun as chaos erupts. Returning to their senses, Mrs. Carmody's traumatized followers realize all that they have done because of her and, when Ollie threatens to begin shooting them, stand down and allow David's group to leave. As the group makes their way to David's car, Ollie is torn in half by the praying mantis-like creature, Myron and Ambrose are attacked and killed by the giant spiders, and Bud runs back to the market and is allowed to reenter. Only David, Billy, Dan, Amanda, and Irene make it to the car and leave as the remaining survivors in the store watch them drive off, their eventual fates ambiguous.
Driving through the mist, David finds his home destroyed and Stephanie dead, seemingly another victim of the giant spiders. Devastated, he drives the group south, passing destroyed vehicles and seeing a gigantic six-legged, tentacled beast. When they run out of gas hours later, the group decides there is no point in going on and David shoots the others (with their consent, except for his son who is not old enough to understand) rather than have them endure horrifying deaths, but is left with no bullet to use on himself. He leaves the car and waits to be killed, but the mist suddenly recedes, revealing that the U.S. Army has arrived, managed to close the portal, and are in the process of exterminating the creatures and restoring order. David also sees that they have rescued survivors, among them the woman who left the store at the phenomenon's onset, completely unscathed and having rescued her two children. David realizes that his group was only moments away from being rescued and that their deaths were premature and in vain, and drops to his knees screaming.

Information: SensaCine, Filmaffinity
Opinion of the film:

My opinion about film "the mist" is that the film is very original and is very well made. From the beginning it gives suspense andm it is a film that I recommend to the people.


- When Stephen King said he had really been scared by watching the adaptation of his novel, Frank Darabont said that this had been the happiest moment of his career. 

- It was shot in 37 days. 

- Director Frank Darabont initially wanted the film to be shot in black and white. 

- The 2-disc edition of the DVD includes a version of the director in black and white. 

- Frank Darabont promised to make the film with the Dimension producer on the condition that, whatever happened, they could not change the end of the film. 

Information: Huffpost

Pictures of film:

                Scenes from the movie


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