
Resultado de imagen de turner sus cuadros con niebla
Paint by Turner 


Turner was born in Covent Garden, London, on April 23, 1775.He is a painter of romanticism.
The paintings of Turner are caracterized by atmospheric phenomena, especially those made from 1830 until the end of his life. Through fog, as well as flashes of light, stroms, gusts of steam and water, Turner not only proceeded to the representation of a theme, but above all distilled a complex experience of he landscape, capable of generating a knoweldge of the radically differential sensitive. Gilles Deleuze has explained Turner's turn towards 1830 as the passage from a painter of catastrophes to a painter who investigates the same catastrophe that is at the heart of the act of painting. With Turner, "what is painted and the act of painting tend to be identified".
The fog allowed Turner to close with a stroke the window that Alberti had opened centuries ago on the pintorial canvas with the application of linear perspective.
The fog allows an undifferentiation between from and content, as well as absorbing in its own whirlpool both the referent, the space of representation, and the artist's own gesture.

In my opinion, this painter is awsome and very profesional. Theirs paintings are very realistic.



These pictures have been painted by me. And in them what I want to teach is how I represent the fog and the water vapor in an abstract way.


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